The Fishhawk Ranch Community Development District thanks you for your emails and calls about damage in the community and we are responding to them as quickly as possible.
The Board met on December 11, 2024 and directed staff to continue with efforts to remove dangerous and down trees on CDD property. We currently have two vendors, ASI Landscape Management and Central Florida Tree Care working on property. We expect this process will take until the end of January 2025 to complete.
The Board also approved having ASI Landscape Management remove the remaining debris from CDD property that the county did not pick up. We ask that residents please do not pile debris on CDD property as this is a violation of District policy.
Our staff is continuing to collect proposals for the repairs to various CDD amenities. Due to flooding of the equipment vault the Park Square fountains are currently closed. We also have some sections of our trail system marked closed including the bridges located at Tealrise/Heronglen, Ternwood and Hawkpark. Unfortunately we do not have a timeline for these repairs so we ask for your patience through this process. We ask residents to not attempt to remove any trees or debris and to avoid these areas due to safety concerns.
Thank you again for your patience throughout this process. For more updates please go to the CDD website at:
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact the Resident Services Office at (813) 657-6629.
Thank you and stay safe!